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Women love cell phones more than boyfriends

Mobile phone seems to have become first love of many girls as a survey found that losing their cell phones is more upsetting for women than splitting with their boyfriend.

In a survey of 4,000 women living in Australia, carried out by British pawnbroker Borro to know their most treasured possessions, four in every 10 women said they would be lost without their mobiles, but would happily go without a man in their life.

Majority of the women surveyed consider their mothers to be their most prized possession followed closely by their photographs and then their mobile phone.
Besides mother and mobile, women treasured their friends more than then their boyfriends, the study claimed.

Other items which made it to the list of most treasured items in a woman's life were diamond rings, pets, laptops and hair straighteners.

As part of the survey, when the women were asked whether they would dump their boyfriends for money, a large chunk said they would consider doing so if offered more than USD one million in cash.

The survey's results showed the changing focus of what is important in many women's lives,
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