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How to Be a Good Conversationist

An Art by Itself

Being a good Conversationist is an art by itself. A good conversationist is a good listener. A good conversationist is not to dominate the conversation with little or no regard to the opinions of your listeners.

A Good Listener
A good conversationist is a good listener. A good listener must hear what others say. To be a good listener, then you should observe the following:

1. Do not be a mind reader as you will hear very little as you think what the other person is thinking or feeling.

2. Avoid trying to identify everything you hear to your experience. Chances are that you will not hear what is being said.

3. Try not to derail by changing the subject too quickly. This is a sure sign that you are not interested in what others have to say.

4. Do not drift off during the conversation as this may lead you into asking for a repeat or what did you say.

5. Avoid mental tryouts for what you will say next. Any mental rehearsal will just tune out the speaker.

6. When you get sidetracked assessing the speaker, you are sure to miss the message.

7. Try not to do selective listening. Selective listening is filtering out the conversation and hearing only what you want to hear.

8. Do not be a sparer. Yes, you have heard what has been said but for reasons best known to you, you quickly belittle it or discount it.

9. Do not agree with everything you hear just to be good or to avoid conflict. You won't be a good listener just by agreeing for the sake of agreeing.

10. Listen keenly and be genuinely interested in the other person. Take genuine interest in what is going on and what is being talked about.

Do Not Be Critical Of Others
That's it. By being a good listener, then by extension, you become a good conversationist. Always be friendly and do not be critical of others or caustic about their contributions and neither should you show it by your expressions. If you do, you won't have many listeners to talk to. Be positive in your approach to others. And in as much as you may want to be a good conversationist, it will not be perfect without your sincere and genuine smile. You smile will improve your face value.
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