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Make your Personality Attractive

The word Personality really means the "mask" aspect of the Individual, the outward appearance of the part in the great drama of life that he is playing. And just as the actor may change his mask and costume, so may the Individual change, alter and replace

When we speak of unattractive and attractive masks. While one’s physical appearance goes a good way in some cases, there is a charm of Personality that far transcends that fleeting appearance. There are many persons having beautiful faces and forms whose personality is far from charming, and who repel rather than attract. And there are others whose faces are homely and whose forms are far from shapely, who have, nevertheless, that "winning way about them" that attracts others to them. There are people whom we are always glad to see, and whose charm of manner makes us forget that they are not beautiful, in fact, even their homely faces seem to become transfigured when we are in their presence. That is what we meant by Personality, in the same way in which we are now using it. It bears a very close relationship to "Personal Magnetism," of which we spoke of in our preceding lesson.  Following are the some points to help your personality more attractive:

1. Take a keen heart-interest in the other fellow's game in life.
This was one of the great lessons Napoleon Hill learned when he interviewed over
25,000 successful businessmen and famous women over a span of 20 years. "Form the habit of interesting yourself in other people; and make it your business to find
their good qualities and speak of them in terms of praise."
2. Learn to speak with force and conviction.
All pleasing personalities express this ability.

3. Dress appropriately.
Your clothing reflects your thoughts and inner evaluation of your worth begin to build a wardrobe that becomes your stature and physical frame and the nature
of your work.

4. Learn the simple art of shaking hands
Do this so that you express warmth of feeling and enthusiasm with this form of greeting. A genuine smile should accompany your hand shake

5. Practice true humility.
Cease calling attention to yourself and advertising your virtues or accomplishments. The secret to becoming successful is forgetting yourself in service to others. Help to edify, build up and encourage people in their accomplishments. 

6. Learn the art of being agreeable. 
This is one of the most vital ingredients to building an attractive personality. Be cooperative and responsive — a peacemaker.

7. Develop Godly character. 
By far the most important part of your personality is that which is represented by your
character, and is therefore the part that is not visible.

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